"C.A.R. encourages all members to stay up to date on the outbreak of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, which is currently sweeping the globe. We will be updating this website regularly with information on C.A.R. events, market implications and advice for California REALTORS®, home buyers, home sellers and renters.” - C.A.R.
Members can find more information and regular updates HERE.
UPDATE 9/1/2021: In accordance with the County of San Luis Obispo Health Office Mask Mandate in effect 9/1/2021, everyone must wear a face-covering indoors regardless of vaccination status. For further information or to review the exemptions for certain individuals, please view the County of San Luis Obispo Health Order 6: Mask Mandate. *PLEASE NOTE: Stricter local guidance supersedes any state or federal mandates.
UPDATE 12/13/2022 [EXTENDED through 2/15/22]: The statewide indoor masking requirement has now been extended through Feb. 15. By order of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), masks are required to be worn in all indoor public settings, regardless of vaccination status.
UPDATE EFFECTIVE 2/16/2022 (as released by the C.A.R. Feb 9, 2022):
The California Department of Public Health has issued new guidance regarding its statewide indoor masking rules. Beginning February 16, the state masking rules will require only unvaccinated persons to wear masks in indoor public settings.
UPDATE EFFECTIVE 03/01/2022 (as released by C.A.R.)
Effective March 1, 2022, the current requirement that unvaccinated individuals mask in indoor public settings has been revised to a strong recommendation that all persons, regardless of vaccine status, continue indoor masking. This new guidance will affect real estate activities such as showings and open houses. However, universal masking will remain required in specified high-risk settings (which does not include real estate related activities) such as K-12 schools, public transport, emergency shelters, and health care settings. After March 11, 2022, the universal masking requirement for K-12 and Childcare settings will terminate. In workplaces, employers will continue to be subject to the CalOSHA COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) and should consult those regulations for additional applicable requirements. Click here for more details.
UPDATE EFFECTIVE 07/01/2022 (as released by C.A.R.)
Alert --- The COVID Rental Housing Recovery Act has expired effective July 1, 2022
See our Quick Guide "July 1 Expiration of the State Rent Moratorium and State Preemption". View C.A.R.’s full Q&A at
UPDATE EFFECTIVE (as released by Cal/OSHA)
On March 3, 2023, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) updated their Public Health Officer Order with a new definition of "infectious period," changes to masking requirements, and revised guidance for isolation and quarantine. To assist employers with understanding their obligations required by these changes, Cal/OSHA has updated its Q&A found in the COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
California Department of Public Health
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) works to protect the public's health in the Golden State and helps shape positive health outcomes for individuals, families and communities.
A lot of the guidance C.A.R. follows is set in accordance with state guidance put forth by the Governor’s office, CAL OSHA, and the CDPH.
Here are the most relevant guides for members to keep tabs on:
“Coronavirus: A Guide for REALTORS®”
In response to the growing concerns about COVID-19, NAR is providing this guidance to help REALTORS® respond to the coronavirus's potential impact on the real estate industry:
FROM NAR: In response to the concerns about COVID-19, the National Association of REALTORS® is providing guidance to help REALTORS® respond to the coronavirus's potential impact on the real estate industry. Of note, NAR has issued information and guidance on the following:
Find more at
For the latest updates regarding COVID-19 within San Luis Obispo County, please refer to the local emergency website (formerly available at
For the latest emergency proclamations, declarations and executive orders, visit:
For the latest in Countywide Media Releases, visit:
For Industry Guidance: on
(Coronavirus: COVID-19)
Learn about international travel restrictions, how you can prepare for coronavirus, and what the U.S. government is doing in response to the virus by visiting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at